Zurple | Real Estate Success Blog

Do Your Real Estate Blog Topics Stink?!

Written by Nicole Finzi | Aug 10, 2016 2:56:38 PM

Blogging is a great tool for marketing, but sometimes coming up with new content can be a challenge. Of course as an agent you are going to have your staple blogs that you post on a regular basis - market trends, neighborhoods, etc., but when it comes to new content to entice your readers to engage with you, that’s a whole other ball game.

Here are some topics to put your writer’s block at ease:

Market trends in your area.

Local school rankings in your area.

Crime trends in your area that people should know.

Local events or festivals in your area.

Architecture trends in your farming area.

Office design tips that are inviting.

Pictures of the most recent homes that have sold in your area.

Comment on local news events that have happened in your area.

Comment on industry news.

Comparison of the home prices for different neighborhoods in your local market.

Review of a real estate book you have read.

Home buying process and advice.

Home selling process and advice.

Impact of HOA costs long term.

Real estate laws everyone should know.

Pet friendly housing in your area.

Types of mortgages and how to identify which is best for you.

The importance of your credit score.

Interest rates in your area.

Buying mistakes that your clients, or friends have made.

Buying a foreclosure or short sale tips.

Selling mistakes that your clients, or friends have made.

Selling a foreclosure or short sale tips.

Home staging tips to maximize offers.

DIY home repairs/upgrades.

New housing developments in your area.

Open houses in your area.

How to have a successful open house.

How you have successfully generated leads.

Social media marketing tips that have worked for you.

Favorite apps that help your productivity.

Debunk real estate myths that you commonly hear.

Favorite experiences with past clients.

List the top performing agents and brokers in your area.

Write about why you love your job and your farming area.

Pick a charity to support and blog about their news/events.

Answer questions that clients or prospective clients have asked you in the past.

Writing your daily or weekly real estate blog post doesn't have to be a dreaded experience. Use these topics to help you engage with your readers and maximize the reach of your content. Blogging can be fun if you have the right mindset! Happy blogging :)

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