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How to Create a Killer Real Estate Content Calendar

Written by Nicole Finzi | Aug 25, 2016 3:32:36 PM

Are you the agent that plans all of your social media and blog posts, or are you the agent that just posts spur of the moment content based on your mood? Everything in your business needs to be planned in order to be successful and your real estate content posts are NO exception to this rule. In order to maximize reach on your real estate content it is important to put together a marketing content calendar.

Here are 3 tips to help you maximize your real estate content strategy:


Spend a few hours researching some of the latest trends in the real estate industry or in real estate industry news. Use this time to cultivate a list of articles that you have found and want to share with your fans and followers, or a list of topics that you are going to start writing about yourself. You should be setting aside a few hours every week to do this so that your content stays fresh. Of course you are going to stumble across content that is share-worthy from a few months, or even years ago, which is fine, but keep in mind that current content is often more relevant. If you are going to use old content, try to re-write something and put a current-day/relevant spin on it.  

Pro Tip: For those spontaneous agents that want to find content the day of a post, doing a bit of daily research can help you be a planner and spontaneous at the same time!

Consolidate all of your calendars into one

First things first - if you have multiple calendars to look at everyday, get rid of all of them except one of them. With multiple places to find information, there is a really good chance that you will have a hard time staying organized. Put everything on one calendar so that all of your deadlines are in one place. If you want to go above and beyond, color coding is a great way to make your information easy to find. This also eliminates issues of your colleagues or assistants not being able to find information that they need in order to successfully assist you.

Pro Tip: If you are color coding your calendars, make sure that you have a key so that you don’t ever have to question what things mean.

Set reminders

Remind yourself when you need to be posting your content if you don’t have an automated posting tool to pre-schedule your posts ahead of time. Sometimes you can get stretched a little bit too thin at work, and tasks fall through the cracks. Don’t let posting engaging real estate content be one of the items that fall through the cracks. Once you have a reminder, whether it’s a daily or weekly reminder, you will find yourself falling into a routine and not feeling overwhelmed with the fact that you are being reminded to complete a task.

Pro Tip: Don’t cancel your reminder even if you are able to remember your posting schedule. There could be a day in the future where you are going to need that extra reminder. Better safe than sorry, right?

Share your content

Share your content on as many platforms as your heart desires. With the abundance of social media platforms available today, you have a lot of choices. You also have your personal website, emails to your clients/potential clients. Your sharing ability is pretty limitless these days. The more platforms that you share your content on, the more impressive your reach will be.

Your business is only as well known as you make it, and creating a real estate content marketing calendar can help your business grow while keeping you organized. Get your content marketing calendar started today so that you can get ahead of the game. Are you ready to get your content marketing calendar started?

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