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How to Hire The Right Real Estate Assistant

Written by Jessica Schweppe | Jan 28, 2015 3:00:00 PM

Running your own company is a big job, and at some point in your career, you will probably need some help. So how do you find an A-List right-hand man or woman to be your real estate assistant?

  1. Determine What Level of Experience Your Assistant Needs to Have:

    The saying “If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur,” definitely holds some clout. That’s why it’s so important that you spend adequate time defining what ‘type’ of professional you need in terms of experience before doing anything else. If you’re looking for someone to help with basic administrative tasks, a college student looking for part-time income could be a great fit. On the other hand, if you need someone who can help you manage closing paperwork, it’s time to seek out a licensed candidate with industry experience. Once you decide what you need, list specific experience requirements and detailed responsibilities (particularly those that require unique skillsets) in your job description to attract the right type of applicant.

    Pro Tip: Consider automated solutions when available:

    More often than not, a software or app is going to be less expensive than in-house labor. When it’s reasonable to do so, consider implementing automated systems to take care of busy work that doesn’t need to be managed by a person. (We’ve got some of that – learn more about our automated lead conversion software)

  2. Be Prepared to Provide a Reasonable Income:

    As you decide what level of experience you need your assistant to have, be sure to consider whether or not a competitive wage is something you can afford. Underpaid employees typically have lower job satisfaction and less motivation to do well – and for good reason. It’s frustrating to work hard and not feel like it’s paying off. To avoid this pitfall, research average pay rates for your area and be prepared to offer a competitive income before you post a job opening.

  3. Phone Screen First:

    Don’t start your vetting process by spending time coordinating a bunch of in-person interviews. Instead, narrow your applicant pool by phone screening your top five to ten applicants. Set aside 20-40 minutes and have a list of key questions ready to go that will help you decide whether or not this person will be a good representative of the business you worked so hard to build. Doing so will allow you to choose your top two or three favorites, who you can then bring to the next step of the process with in-person interviews.

  4. Always Consider Business Needs & Cultural Fit:

    As you determine the best fit for your role, make sure the business pains you want to address with this hire are at the forefront of your decision making. If you are established but are so busy that you’re drowning, experience is critical – because even if it comes at a cost, the long-term payoff will be well worth it. On the other hand, if you are just getting started and have plenty of time but not as much income, a fast-learning self-starter with lower salary requirements could be your perfect assistant.

    The biggest favor you can do for yourself is to spend enough time with your potential assistant to determine whether or not they fit your culture; that is, whether or not you will enjoy working with them day in and day out. Bad cultural fit is not a fixable problem.

Considering a virtual assistant?