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5 Excuses Real Estate Agents Can Use For Text Messages That Generate Referral Leads

Written by Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis | Oct 4, 2018 2:30:00 PM

A simple text message can set a chain reaction of events that can lead to a transaction. You dropping in to say hi can quickly lead to a referral you wouldn’t otherwise have. What is stopping you from casually sending a text message to your past clients?

Did you know that the majority of real estate agents are NOT regularly keeping in contact with their past clients? Most of their marketing efforts is spent attracting to new business. You could be missing out on thousands of dollars from not effectively marketing to your existing customer database!

Here are a few excuses you can use to send a text message TODAY:

1. Birthdays

A quick birthday text will be very appreciated, especially since it will stand out amongst the dozens of greetings that person will get from Facebook. Take that extra step and send a quick text message! Pro-tip - don’t let this be an annual text, because on many devices they can see the last text message that was sent.

2. Holidays

Like birthdays, holidays are a universal opportunity to keep in touch with the community of referral generators (ie past clients) thet you have been building from scratch. Don’t put all that hard work to waste! Send a text message!

3. Thought of You

This type of text will be a little more effective, and shows you are going the extra mile even AFTER the closing. Every so often ,send a text message featuring information that could be useful to the individual. Are they into scary movies? Send them the latest movie trailer! Are they interested in the local arts scene? Send them a text message about an event happening this weekend! These little things can leave a longer lasting impression on a past client, even more so than having a smooth transaction.

4. Home Ideas Specific to The Client

New Homeowners will take great pride in their homes and will pay attention to your social media posts regarding home renovation and saving money on monthly home costs. Without even having to do any extra research, you can send an info graphic to your past client in a text message if you think it applies to them. Maybe the millennials you helped find a home for 2 years ago love eco-friendly solutions, then send them an info graphic about having a greener home!

5. Asking for a Referral

You can never get somebody’s business if you don’t ask for it. The same applies to referrals. You are less likely to receive a referral out of the impulsive goodness of somebody’s heart. Asking for a referral will prompt somebody to actively search their thoughts for somebody who might be looking to buy or sell a home. Of course, don’t let your only interaction post-closing be asking for more business. Use the other options listed here first.

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