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A No-Nonsense Guide to Real Estate Referrals

Written by Jessica Schweppe | Aug 2, 2014 4:00:00 PM

Real estate success is largely based on your ability to establish relationships, drive repeat business and generate new real estate referrals. So when you get start working with client, how do you establish the type of relationship that will lead to future referrals?

There are three simple steps you should follow:

  1. WOW service starts with proper expectations

    This starts with asking the right questions. In order to come up with a game plan that fits your clients wants and needs, you need to know what they are. Try building a client profile to pinpoint the best way to frame your services for that particular client. The key is to ask open-ended questions (not yes or no questions – those that require your client to elaborate) to get to the root of their motivations and expectations.

    You can also use our free guide to simplify the process.  
    When you pitch your service, set realistic expectations. When you’re trying to wow a new client, it can be easy to go on and on about all the wonderful things you do for them in no time at all BUT if you’re being overly ambitious, you may be setting your client up for disappointment. The bottom line is, if you are realistic, set proper expectations and follow through - your client will be satisfied with the results.

    SUCCESS TIP: Need help better managing your time? Click here.

  2. Show your clients why you are all that and a bag of chips

    What makes you stand out from Joe Realtor and Agent Jane? It could be your years of experience, specialties, unique marketing approach, or communication style – or it could be something completely different! Whatever it is – make sure your clients know all about it.

    If you can give examples of how you have produced great results in the past, that’s another great way to strengthen your case. Nothing helps a relationship move in a positive direction like confidence – both in you as an agent and in the buying or selling process.

  3. Don’t stop… evolving… (or believin’)

    For those of you who now have Don't Stop Believin' stuck in your head... you're welcome. :) Most the time, you’re going to encounter a bump or two along the road during the buying or selling process. When it happens, continually re-evaluate the situation and evolve your strategy. Most importantly - put yourself in your client’s shoes and think about what you would want your agent to do to help in that situation. Sometimes, there’s not a whole lot you can do, so the answer is as simple as being reassuring. Other times, there may be actionable ways to work through the process.

    You have to advocate for your clients and establish trust in your working relationship. If you constantly evaluate and make decisions with your client’s best interests at heart, you will be a-ok.

Use these tips to create experiences that will wow your clients. They’ll love working with you and in return, they’ll recommend you to their friends and family.

Do you have previous clients that were great to work with but you didn’t get testimonials or referrals? We can help with that too. Check out this blog post and use our handy Testimonial Guide as a reference!

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