In case you hadn’t heard, Snapchat is a really, really big deal. This is true for lots of reasons but we’ll be focusing on just one for today. The unconventional app, which allows users to send self-deleting pictures and videos to their friends, has chosen to forego the corporate campus lifestyle and instead set up shop in many different residential homes in Venice, CA. Well that’s great if you’re a Venice agent, but what about in other areas throughout the country?
If history has taught us anything, it’s that tech companies tend to follow each other’s moves, in this case it could be literally. As many look to Snapchat as a blossoming social media app, Snap’s successors could follow suit. Will small-scale homes soon become the office space norm for tech companies? If that is the case, you need to start preparing now.
Here are just a few tips on how you can high-light yourself as a tech friendly agent:
We have written quite a few blogs on mastering social media like this one, or this one, or this one. Feel free to use them all in your pursuit of showcasing yourself as a tech savvy agent.
Being aware of industry trends is how you stay competitive in any market. Whether billionaire tech moguls are looking to purchase a home in your area or just a family, you’ll need to make sure that you’re making the most of your market. To find out how Zurple can help you get to the top of your MLS board, schedule a brief chat with a team member today.