As a busy real estate agent, having good time management is necessary in order to be successful. While sticking to a routine is highly important, what is more important is being able to have a flexible schedule because as you know, anything can change at the drop of a hat.
Table of Contents
- Create daily to do lists
- Use a calendar
- Batching
- Time-blocking
1. Create daily to do lists
How great does it feel to cross something off your to do list? Creating a daily to do list will not only help you stay on track so that you don’t forget any tasks, but it also improves time management because you won’t be trying to figure out what your next step should be. Categorize your list by the importance of task so you are able to maximize your time more efficiently.
2. Use a calendar
Having a calendar, one that you actually use, is a great way to improve your time management. Calendars allow you to keep all of your meetings organized and in one place so you are able to prepare accordingly. As a real estate agent, you are always on the go and it can be hard to remember where you are supposed to be. Utilizing your calendar will allow you to plan ahead of time so that you are never unprepared or late to a client meeting.
3. Batching
If there are certain tasks you do daily that are necessary to keep your business running, try batching them together so you can perform these tasks on fewer occasions. Examples of tasks that you can batch are emails and phone calls. I know what you’re thinking: “I need to answer every call that comes in.” Of course that would be nice, but if your caller believes speaking with you is detrimental to their life, they will leave a message for you and you can call them back ASAP.
4. Time-blocking
Part of improving time management is being able to focus on each individual task without distractions. Time blocking requires you to set aside specific time to engage on social media, or respond to emails, or even clean up some paperwork. Don’t succumb to distractions and start performing other tasks during your individual time blocks.
Humans are creatures of habit. If you are able to stick to a routine, you are going to be able to manage your time better, and therefore your real estate business will be more successful.
Editor's note: This blog was originally published in Oct of 2016 by Nicole Finzi, and has been updated by Brian Lim in July of 2020 for accuracy, brevity, and comprehensiveness.
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