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3 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents Shouldn't DIY Their Solutions

Written by Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis | Nov 15, 2018 3:30:00 PM

Solopreneur is a new word that is not officially recognized by most spell checks, but it is something that applies to most real estate agents. Most agents are solo entrepreneurs. And being your own boss comes with a few strings. One major issue is solo agents are also their own employee, customer service team, marketing department, and personal assistant. Thus some will attempt to do it all themselves.

It takes a special type of person with specific attributes to succeed in the real estate industry. You are that person. However, we would highly recommend to adapt the philosophy of "work smarter, not harder" to accomplish your goals this year.

Why You Shouldn't Do EVERYTHING

1. Time is Money

We all have 24 hours to a day. You have to fit in your daily tasks as an agent. Respond to emails from your internet leads in the morning. Follow up with your potential home sellers after that. Maybe take a lunch. Cold call FSBOs. Show homes to your home buyer clients. Also, don't forget that some of you have a family to take care of! When will you fit in the other things like social media marketing, maintaining and promoting your brand image, or any other miscellaneous task that comes across your desk?

2. Focus

All of us has a certain amount of mental bandwidth. Just like FSBOs thinking they can do everything themselves, they can quickly become overwhelmed, with oncoming failure approaching at a steady momentum. This can be seen from miles away by the experts at selling homes...which includes you. There is so much that goes into selling a home that gets overlooked. And likewise, running a real estate business seems easy before you actually jump into it. There are so many new skills you must learn. Should you learn them all? Or like a FSBO, should you have an expert take care of it?

3. Energy

With all the moving parts of running a real estate business, it's easy to become inundated with tasks you would rather not do. This is why top producing real estate agents will hire an assistant when there are too many leads for them to follow up with, or give leads to other agents when they have too many to follow up with.

The moral of the story is that you should do what you are best at, find and sell homes for your clients. Some leads will take months to finally be ready to transact. So instead of you being on call for each of their whims, why not have somebody else do it for you?

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