Zurple | Real Estate Success Blog

4 Ways to Help Manage and Exceed Client Expectations

Written by Zurple Marketing | Sep 19, 2019 2:30:00 PM

As a real estate agent, one of your main responsibilities is to effectively navigate all the moving parts of a transaction, which typically involves multiple parties, motives, challenges, and timelines. Towards the end of this process, all the parts should add up to a successfully closed real estate deal.

However, a critical component of the agent/client relationship that unfortunately, is often overlooked by many real estate professionals, is managing client expectations.

Since it’s always better to over-prepare than under-prepare, we’ve listed a few simple tips that can help change the nature of your business and allow you to meet and exceed client expectations.

4 Ways to Help Manage and Exceed Client Expectations

Make a Strong First Impression

One of the easiest ways to build a following is to integrate both branded and generic hashtags into your social media posts. Branded hashtags are unique to your business, whereas generic hashtags help facilitate discovery on social media, making it easier for leads to find and inquire about your real estate brand.

Connect Often

Devote at least two hours per day to connecting with clients. Every real estate lead should be called and followed up with, regardless of their immediate intentions. Keep birthdays and other significant milestones on your radar and check in frequently. You want to have top of mind awareness when they finally decide to seek out your services.

Add Value

In an ever-changing marketplace, showing clients your worth is vital to your business. Creating value and delivering marketing assets around that value is a constant battle. But, as a real estate professional, it’s up to you to be the eyes and ears of your local real estate market. Build trust and credibility by offering resources like webinars, newsletters, and hosting networking events.

Build Your Knowledge Base

Bring your authenticity to the forefront by sharing your expertise freely. Chances are your real estate clients aren’t as in tune with the industry as you are. That’s why it’s imperative that you stay informed and provide leads with your unique business insights, ideas, and experiences. That way, you’ll become the trusted real estate confidant that they will always be sure to contact first.

Need a more efficient way to meet and exceed expectations? Find out how Zurple can help.