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6 Tips For Starting Your Real Estate Podcast

Written by Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis | Aug 6, 2020 2:30:00 PM

Podcasts have been around for quite a while. They are a fantastic tool when it comes to generating real estate leads, especially if you are able to capture those prospects in the research phase of their buying process. Here are a few tips to starting your own.

Here are 6 Tips For Starting Your Real Estate Podcast

1. Have a "Gimmick"

Just like you should have a unique identifying reason why prospects should use you, and not another real estate agent - you should have a reason that people should listen to your real estate podcast. This can be content unique to your area, your personality, a weekly giveaway, etc. Don't just sit there and talk, but have a plan.

2. Start it NOW

Don't take too long planning, the only way you will gain any traction is by starting your podcast TODAY. Your first few episodes may be embarassing a year from now - but it's important that you just "do it". Just like waiting months to perfect a website before a launching it is a mistake, not having that online presence will cost you missed opportunities. As time goes on, your podcasts will improve and you will have better workflows to efficiently record new episodes.

3. Have Fun With It

Don't worry about copying what has been done before. What works for other real estate agents might not work for you. Don't be afraid try experimenting with concepts you think would work. If they don't work, simply don't use them again in future podcast episodes. It's important that podcasting is fun for you, otherwise it won't be fun for others to listen to.

4. Be Consistent

To create a real estate podcast that will generate perpetual residual leads is to have regular weekly episodes. This will train your audience to look forward to your next episode - or have them download all of your archived episodes to listen on their morning commute.

5. Invest in Good Sound Quality

Just like purchasing a good quality camera for YouTube videos, the same goes for making an intelligent purchase towards your audio quality. While you can certainly record your podcast on your phone, but listeners can tell the difference. This also goes for recording in a properly soundproofed room, vs an open room that emphasizes the echos of your voice.

6. Understand it Takes Time to Grow

There isn’t a single product or program on the market that can give you quick results. (Aside from programs that leverage Google or Facebook advertising) So you’ll need to accept that through consistency you can build yourself a sizeable following. Keep at it, and your 3 listeners can grow into 30, which can grow into even more!

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