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Create a Killer Real Estate Slogan in 3 Simple Steps

Written by Jessica Schweppe | Nov 12, 2014 3:00:00 PM

Do you have a real estate slogan? If so, do you love it? Does it clearly define and communicate the essence of your business? If you answered no to any one of these questions, you’re not alone… 

Coming up with an awesome tagline for your business is no small feat. It takes time, creativity and a strong desire to avoid the obvious and cheesy. It’s not uncommon to come across a dozen or more agents in one area who are all using the same slogan.

To compete in the real estate space, you need to make sure your slogan accomplishes these two things:

  1. Tells your prospects what makes you the best agent
  2. Is short (Ideally, 6 words or less) and memorable

So how do you come up with a memorable slogan that does your business justice? 

Follow these three simple steps:

  1. Talk to clients

    What’s the easiest way to find out what resonates most with potential clients? Ask them! Ask past clients what drove them to select you as an agent. List out the factors that contributed to their decision (experience, fast response, knowledgeable about the area, lots of help with finding the right school, etc.). Then come up with a few words you think best describe your strengths and add them to your list. Once you’ve got a good jumping off point, move on to step 2.

    Pro Tip:
    As an added benefit, when you ask your clients for feedback on what they think is great about you - you're creating an optimum opportunity to ask for a testimonial to enhance your real estate brand. Click here for more advice on getting great testimonials.

  2. Brainstorm

    Now it’s time to get the gears turning upstairs. Block out at least an hour of time and visit your list. Start writing down sentences that combine what your clients see as your strengths with what you’ve identified as your strengths and see what sticks. Once you’ve spent an hour on it, if you don’t have any obvious winners, step away for 24 hours and revisit your brainstorm page with fresh eyes. When you reach a point where you’ve identified a few viable contenders, take out a blank piece of paper and write them down.


  1. Get feedback

    You have a few favorites, so it’s time to ask your friends, family and colleagues for their feedback. If you have 3 solid slogan ideas, ask your reviewers to pick their favorite. If you have 3 great ideas but you haven’t figured out how to put it all together, ask for ideas on how to make those 3 ideas work as a slogan.

    Pro Tip:
    Not the creative type? Follow steps 1 and 2, then hire a service, like Slogan Rocket to come up with ideas for you and pick your favorite!


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