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Tips for Writing Effective Property Listing Descriptions that Sell

Written by Zurple Marketing | Mar 11, 2020 2:46:52 PM
Succeeding as a real estate agent not only requires that you be a great salesperson, but a great content marketer as well. After all, the first impression most potential buyers will have of you is when they start looking online for properties.

This means that your real estate listing description matters more than you think. If prospects read your property listing and aren’t motivated to act, then they’re on to the next one. In this post, we’re offering four tips for you to help you craft a compelling real estate listing description that sells.

Tips for Writing Effective Property Listing Descriptions that Sell

Highlight Key Attributes

This may seem like a no-brainer, but there are plenty of real estate agents out there who include only the basic info and leave out the differentiators. Is there a bathtub in the master bedroom? Or maybe French door blinds in the living room? At the very least, mentioning these one-of-a-kind features will help potential buyers distinguish your listing from dozens of others they are browsing.

Accurately Describe the Property

If the property is barely 950 square feet, writing that the space is “expansive” or “sprawling” would be misleading. The reality is that setting unrealistic expectations never bodes well with buyers. Instead, try to position the home’s shortcomings as positives or offer suggestions for improvement. If your potential buyers know what they’re getting into, they’re more likely to be receptive about the work that needs to be done.

Add High-Quality Images

While you can’t write photos, they’re an incredibly important part of your listing description. Consumers are becoming increasingly tech savvy and expect quality images. If each photo is blurry, washed out, or grainy, people will lose interest in viewing your property. Smartphones can do just about everything, including taking beautiful pictures. Despite that, you should still consider hiring a professional for your listing photos.

Avoid Spelling or Grammar Errors

Listing descriptions need to paint a clear picture of a property’s attributes and benefits. Therefore, error-free ad copy is a must. Part of writing a first-rate listing description is reviewing it for spelling and grammatical mistakes. Also, be sure to steer clear of repetition or long, run-on sentences. Readers will appreciate the effort you took to craft a coherent, easy-to-read summary.

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