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What to be Thankful for as a Real Estate Agent in 2017

Written by Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis | Nov 23, 2017 2:00:00 PM

Real Estate can be a stressful professional to choose. There are a few items to be thankful for year-round. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, it is a good time to reflect on our grattitude.

Take a step back, have some eggnog, and let's reflect on what real estate agents can be thankful for this year. #BLESSED

You have a profession

We are thankful the job market is stabilizing, and that the unemployment rate has dropped to 4.9 % in America for 2016. As of October 2017, it dipped even more to only 4.1% of Americans being unemployed. (source: Bureau of Labor Statistics). That is fantastic!

You get to work with people

You are a people person, that is why you are perfect for this job. We know, there are some people you would rather not work with, but that comes with the territory. You take it in strides. 

You have a network of like-minded colleagues

Being in a social business, you are creating relationships and expanding your sphere of influence all the time. Sometimes these relationships turn into clients, sometimes they don't. You can still leverage your non-client relationships for other aspects of your business for collaboration or referrals. With other real estate agents, you have a large group of professionals to get advice from online via Active Rain and Facebook Groups. You are in a great position for success.

The housing market will continue to rise into the new year

Forecasts predict that home values will rise in 2018. This is good for business, and gives you a higher commission! 

Technology has made some aspects of business more convenient

Life has certainly become easier with the innovation of technology. You can use the internet without having to be stuck in front of a computer. Your leads and clients can communicate with you from out of state. They can even search for homes, instead of you having to browse !through the MLS and give them a list of properties!

We wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. If you want even more free time during the holiday season, consider using automation to take care of some of the work for you.

Learn more about how Zurple can free up your time, click below to request a demo!