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Why Real Estate Agents NEED To Track Their Marketing Stats

Written by Kenneth Palmer | May 4, 2017 3:30:00 PM
As real estate agents, you should be aware of big data and how it can impact your business. With so much information surrounding your leads, tracking patterns and identifying areas for improvement becomes critical to future success. There are however surprisingly numbers of real estate agents that do not track their data to the extent that they should and as a result, their revenue is potentially impacted. We’ll identify some common data sets that agents should pay closer attention to.

 Not analyzing these data sets could be hurting your business:

  • Lead stats - One of the more important statistics to analyze is when your leads are entering your system. Just like the ebb and flow of selling seasons, you will notice your leads will come in certain patterns once you being monitoring them enough. This can reveal times where you might not get as many leads and thus you’ll know when to increase efforts to drive in more leads.
  • Site stats - Much like lead stats, stats about your site can also reveal patterns in your leads’ behaviors. When viewing your site’s traffic patterns,  make sure to note how long a lead is staying on your site. This can reveal opportunities to analyze when leads are coming to your site and how long they are staying there. The advantage of course is that you will know when you are experiencing lulls in traffic. You can then boost it by publishing on social media or sending out emails.
  • Email stats - Knowing how your emails are performing becomes critical for continued success. By analyzing your email open rates, you will be able to identify which materials are connecting with you leads the most. As time goes on, you will be able to narrow down what types of leads prefer certain kinds of emails.
  • Source stats - Another critical piece to ensuring that your business is running at optimum levels is knowing where your leads are coming from. When you categorize your sources by which marketing channels they are coming in from, you are able to allocate funds to boost performance of one channel or another.

When these data sets are not properly analyzed, your business can suffer. When you instead are receiving actionable intelligence into your marketing efforts, you become able to make better, more informed decisions regarding how to improve your business overall.

As the saying goes, knowledge is power. With Zurple’s back office, you can monitor and track the above data sets to ensure that your bottom line is not compromised. This of course becomes important to agents as more and more leads come into their system. To see how Zurple can track these valuable stats, take a few minutes to chat with a team member.