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7 Essential Qualities You Should Possess as a Real Estate Leader

Written by Victoria Deubler | Dec 10, 2015 3:30:00 PM

Whether you’re in charge of a team of agents or a managing Real Estate Broker, it’s necessary to display certain qualities as a leader in Real Estate. Being a good leader isn’t just setting goals and getting results - it’s about much more. Make sure you possess these qualities as a leader.

Do you have these 7 essential qualities as a leader?

1. Confidence

Confidence is key. Being able to stay confident even when things aren’t going according to plan can be extremely helpful in keeping your team confident in their work. Displaying confidence will not only keep your team on track, but will help them stay motivated. Be careful, however, to not become overconfident as it may impact one’s view of you as a role model.

2. Honesty and Integrity

It’s rare that someone looks up to or follows those they can’t trust or who has been untrustworthy in the past. If you are honest and transparent (when necessary), your team members are more likely to contribute. Always make sure to display honesty and integrity, so that your team is all-in at all times and goals can be met.

3. Good Communication Skills

Good communication skills are necessary in almost every aspect of life. The ability to effectively communicate your goals, strategy and even dissect and settle conflict are essential to being a good leader. Communicating with your team can help you understand their concerns, resolve issues and help you inspire others.

4. Knowledge of the Industry

Of course, being knowledgeable about your industry is necessary to effectively lead a team. If you aren’t - it can be detrimental to being an effective leader. Understanding your industry gives both you and your team insight about market trends, do’s and don’ts and can help you strategize when planning goals.

Pro Tip: Continuing your education can be a great way to stay up with industry standards and trends. Often times Multiple Listing Services offer classes - so real estate agents can stay up to date on the latest rules and standards. If you haven’t checked it out - reach out to your local MLS or state Real Estate Commision for more information.

5. Ability to Inspire Motivation in Others

Instilling motivation in your team is very important in keeping your team positive and enthusiastic about their work. NEVER tear a team member down and ALWAYS try to build them up, so they not only believe in themselves, but the work they are dedicated to.

6. Knowing When to Take the Right Risks

When making decisions, ensure that they are in the best interests of the team. However, this is not always an easy task as some decisions that need to be made are not supported by all team members. Yes, you should always let your team voice their opinions and concerns, but it's impossible to make everyone happy all the time. Know when to take the right risks for the better of the team.

7. Commitment

Inspiring others enough for them to be dedicated to a common goal is necessary when in a leadership role. Showing your commitment to your real estate team and to the team's goal will inspire team members to become motivated, stay positive and improve performance.


Not being able to successfully lead your team can be detrimental to achieving the goals you set, so possessing these qualities as a Real Estate leader can help improve the overall performance and motivation of your team.


Are you in a leadership role? If so, what have you found effective? Share in the comments below.

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