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How to Resume Your Real Estate Business After a Long Vacation

Written by Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis | Jul 5, 2018 3:51:54 PM

It's the day after the 4th of July and most businesses are closed. Even then, you decide not to cold call any prospects on this day based on past experiences. So you take the day off. Or maybe you take the entire week off? What do you do when you get back to work?

Having an upcoming vacation is a great motivator to get your work completed ahead of time. The drawback to that you also need to ensure you are ready to work once that holiday comes to an end. 

Here Are Some Tips To Get You Back Into the Groove After a Long Vacation:

1. Schedule Emails Ahead of Time

Most good CRMs will have a feature that will allow you to email your leads. The better CRMs will grant you the ability to schedule your emails ahead of time. This should utilized regularly, and not just for your consecutive days off. To get the most out of this for long holidays, you can schedule them throughout your time off so your leads will still hear from you even when you aren't actually there.

2. Set Reminders for When You Get Back

It is easy to be super relaxed after a 2-week trip to a tropical island. The tricky part is becoming a productive agent again after spending all that time in paradise. This is where reminders come into play. You can set reminders in your calendar, or through the Zurple back office, to tell your future well-traveled self to get back to work. Remind yourself of important items such as a client is back from vacation too so you should follow up. Or even smaller items such as instructions to spend 30 minutes calling FSBOs on your day back so you aren't too rusty.

3. Return a Little Early

For some of us, we reserve an extra day of vacation to recover. That day is usually the day before returning. What if, in addition to recovery, that day is also used to slowly ease back into your normal routine. Check and organize your email. Prepare yourself for the next day by starting on a few of your projects so you already have momentum going into the week. That recovery day doesn't necessarily need to be a "do nothing" day so you can sprint on the following day. Use that day to start a steady jog, because that will get you ready and more comfortable for the marathon ahead.

4. Utilize Automation

The 4th an most effective strategy to use when returning to work, is to utilize automation! This is a shameless plug, but we would recommend utilizing Zurple's Conversations platform to ensure your leads that don't take days off will be communicated with. Conversations will respond to your leads in a way that sounds like you are sending them yourself based on their individual behavior. What is great about this type of automation is you can do this even while you are NOT on vacation! Have the automation nurture your leads until they are ready to get on the phone with you. The rest of your free time can be spent on more important aspects of your business...or on another vacation! (But who are we kidding, Real Estate agents are amongst the hardest working professionals in the country)

Prepare yourself for the rest of the year! Click below!