Today's Agent Insights features Maria Gerlinger - a Reno, Nevada Broker with a story to tell. Today, Maria gives us a raw look at what she is experiencing as she goes through real estate training. Whether you need some inspiration or you're just looking for a perspective check, this is a great read.
Here's Maria:
Before I became a real estate broker salesperson, I was in real estate marketing for several years and before that I was in International business administration. Getting my license was a big leap, but a strategic one. I knew what to expect, learned many skills up front and positioned myself financially to take a leap of faith with a new career path.
As I am participating in local Realtor events and trainings, I see many people with half of the skills and even less stability to take on the same challenges. I couldn't help myself thinking - how do they do it? How will they survive?
Yes, becoming successful in real estate depends on many factors - and sometimes what you know is less important than who you know. To prove that point, one of my post-licensing classmate’s father is a millionaire who made his fortune from real estate development and now his son is using his knowledge, connections and funds to start and build his own empire. Nothing wrong with that!
Now, that's clearly not the norm. Many of us join a large real estate brokerage and work the system - getting a couple of deals in each year - and feel satisfied with that. With the right deals, agents can earn as much income as other people do in a year from full time labor. In fact, having the freedom to do your own thing at your own time is why many people become a real estate agents.
But what about the rest?
Why are some new real estate agents more successful than others?
I believe it has to do with the following three things:
- How established your sphere of influence is
- Your access to available resources
- Your willingness (or unwillingness) to work 24/7.
Turns out, a job that allows you to work whenever and wherever you want is not as simple as it seems on the surface. New agents spend endless nights learning, prospecting and preparing for next day's big tasks. There is not a waking hour that you are not trying to find new clients - buyers or sellers. There is not a penny spent on non-essentials as you invest all your funds into marketing efforts. Sometimes, it even feels like everyone else is out to get you. At first, you will work hard without visible results.
Make sure you reach out to other industry professionals that have resources that offer mutual benefits. Home warranty companies, lenders and title companies are all there to assist you and offer you free help in getting started. Just keep in mind that if you do take advantage of their resources, they are going to be looking for referrals in return.
So how do you prepare yourself for real estate success?
Slow down -- think things through and make wise decisions based on future outcomes and not instant satisfaction. Also think about who you are and what you have to offer. Decide how you want to position yourself to stand out in the pool of thousands of other agents? But above all, you must never give up.
Maria, originally from Hungary, works as a Real Estate Agent in Reno, Nevada. To learn more about Maria - visit her website:
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