When it comes to the world of lead nurturing, segmentation is key. Every lead is different but they all have certain attributes in common. As a savvy real estate agent, you’re well aware of the importance of relationships. Hold onto your socks because the Zurple platform just got another update!
As the latest development in the Zurple toolkit, Lead Groups now gives the user the option to add leads to group memberships. This organizational ability brings about a new leap forward in real estate lead nurturing.Here are some reasons to use Lead Groups:
- Categorize leads and have automatic, unique messaging sent to your groups
- Organize leads according to your priorities and business needs
- Segment cold or hot leads for more robust lead management
Here’s how Lead Groups will benefit you:
- By sending unique messaging, you’ll create a stronger connection with your prospects
- Warm up old leads and fill your pipeline
- Prioritize your time and focus on closing more deals
To find out how to take your real estate earning potential to the next level, schedule an appointment today.