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How to Handle Objections in Real Estate

Posted by Rachel Garris

Apr 1, 2019 9:12:20 AM

Handling common real estate objections

It’s only normal for home buyers and sellers to have questions! It’s highly unlikely that anyone in real estate would complete a transaction without some hesitation and objections. Given, this can feel challenging as a real estate agent. You wear many hats in your job, and the salesman hat can be intimidating.

Remember: you’re here to help them! Leads you are talking to all need something you can provide, and even if they aren’t ready to commit right away, starting the conversation and overcoming their main objections can help you stay top of mind for them when they are ready.


Here’s How to Handle Common Objections in Real Estate


#1 “I already have an agent”  

Chances are, they don’t. Ask for a name, and if they don’t give you one, continue the conversation as if they don’t already have an agent. Maybe they’re exploring and haven’t committed yet. Find out what they are looking for in a real estate agent and really listen to their answers.


#2 “I’m just looking”

Everyone loves to window shop! Don’t let this deter you. This is a wonderful opportunity to figure out what they are looking for in a home so you can find listings that match their wish list. Start writing down their answers so you can present them with a personalized, tailored list of properties that may just get them to take action.


#3 “My friend/family member is an agent, I’d rather use them”

While this might sound initially like a safe option, people set on using friends or family as their real estate agents aren’t considering the complications of mixing family and business. Remind them that during the home buying/selling process, all their financial data has to be very visible and comfortably talked about with their real estate agent. Are they comfortable sharing all that personal information with a friend or relative?  


No matter the objection, you are in a conversation with your lead! Use that to your advantage, learn more about your lead and what they are looking for in both a home and a real estate agent. Chances are, you’re just what they need.

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Topics: Practical Advice

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