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Agent Insights - My Ten Tips for a Balanced Healthy Life in 2013

Posted by Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis

Nov 5, 2013 11:41:00 AM

On this edition of Agent Insights guest blogger Mike Cooper, a real estate agent based out of Winchester-Frederick County, VA, shares tips for keeping a healthy work-life balance while working in real estate. Be sure to visit his website, or check out his Active Rain profile!

 1. Focus - Determine what your distractions are and eliminate as many as possible. Some things are just that, distractions, and they cheat you out of moving forward.

Mike_Cooper2. Get Healthy - Eat foods that don't rob you of energy and good health.  Sleep what your body needs.  Exercise consistently, effectively and efficiently.  Avoid fad diets, avoid fad foods and avoid fad exercise.

3. Educate Yourself - Learn more about those things that propel you forward.  Don't seek advice from failures.  Look for people who have succeeded at the place you want to go to and seek their advice, experience and wisdom.  Read good books, listen to successful leaders and learn the mechanics of your field of choice.  And remember, everyone pays their dues.  Make every day a learning day.

4. Invest in Healthy Relationships - Reduce the takers in your life, and increase the givers.  Some people only cause you heartache and misery.  And then again, some people bring you great joy.  Ask yourself,  "How do I feel after I've spent time with this person?" or,"How do I feel after I've talked to this person on the phone or through a text message?"  If you're excited and inspired, you've found a fountain.  If you're exhausted, you've found a drain.

5. Make Money Your Servant - Pay yourself first (at least 10% of everything).  Try to give more to your favorite charity or your church, and do it out of a generous heart.  There is a law of giving and receiving that profits you above and beyond your generosity.  Pay off debts.  The borrower is servant to the lender.  Break the shackles of debt so that it doesn't become a course distraction.

  6. Do Something Out of Your Comfort Zone - Go on a canopy glide, go sailing or take a trip to a country where you don't speak the language, etc.  It's intense and it makes you feel very alive.

7. Bury Your Past - Don't let the past direct the future.  Everybody makes mistakes.  Allow yourself the freedom to get past it.  Others may not want to let you leave your mistakes behind, but it's your choice.  Don't look back.  Images in the mirror are bigger than appear.  Don't look in the rear view mirror.  Your goals are ahead.

8. Renew Your Spiritual Life - A core relationship with God is an anchor in the storms of life.  Some days you need an anchor.  Other days, you need a sail.   A healthy relationship with God will provide both.  Know the difference between a true spiritual relationship with God and one that is only on the surface.   Pray, study God's Word and give Him your time.  I promise, you can't out give God.  If you give Him your life.  He will give you His. 

9. Extend Forgiveness - It's hard to walk up a hill with someone on your back.  Holding anger and resentment toward other people really only holds you back.  It rarely hurts the offenders.  There are people who you may not feel are worthy of forgiveness, but as long as you hold on to their offenses they are still controlling your life.  Extend forgiveness, and throw off the shackles of bitterness, resentment and anger.  If this seems too difficult, refer to #8.

10. Love More & Love Sincerely - Tell those you love that you really love them, and then go a step further.  Show it.  Don't wait for the next funeral to remember all the people you haven't told how important they are in your life. Tell them now while it counts.  You might be the only encouragement some people ever get, and you might be that one lifeline someone needs in an undisclosed time of distress. 

Read the full article here

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