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If All Real Estate Agents Had to Follow House Hunters Rules...

Posted by Jessica Schweppe

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May 30, 2015 10:00:00 AM

house-huntersOk ok, I admit it... sometimes I binge watch House Hunters. Though staged and highly predictable - I find the show entertaining. I enjoy "touring" the houses, reacting to the market values in other areas (which, as a southern Californian, means frequently saying, "Ooh- I could afford a mansion there!") and placing bets with fellow watchers on which property the hunters are ultimately going to choose.

Then, the other day I started thinking about how different the buying process would be if all real estate agents and home buyers were forced to abide by the House Hunters method of purchasing. As I considered the process, a variety of amusing scenarios (that anyone who watches the show with any regularity will recognize) began to pop into my head. Think about it...

If you had to abide by "House Hunters" rules:

  1. You could only show each buyer three potential homes:

    Each of the three has to be completely different than the other two and you don't need to worry about specifics (like number of bedrooms needed). 

  2. You wouldn't be restrained by 'silly little things' like budget and location:

    "I know you want to stay in your neighborhood and keep your budget at or under 300k, but I found the PERFECT house and it's only 50 miles away from your desired location and $150k over budget! Let's go take a look...".

    Home Shopper:
    "Sounds great - let's see it."

  3. All buyers would have to bring their polar opposite to "help" them search:

    You will be forced to work with couples, friends and family members who are split 50/50 on traditional homes vs. modern homes. Bring your gloves, because there's going to be a boxing match between modern clean lines and nostalgic charm.

  4. All minor dislikes would be major deal breakers:

    We both know that it simply isn't that hard to paint - but if you abide by the House Hunters rules, your buyers will get caught up on a minor detail at the beggining of the house hunt. Once they've picked the thing they loathe the most, they will be required to mention it at least 10 times per showing. 
  5. All your buyers would have completely delusional budgets:

    "So I'd really like a house that's just a few steps from the ocean in La Jolla, California. I need 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a modern kitchen and updated fixtures... and my budget is $125k." It's ok, you can laugh.

Of course in real life, none of these rules apply, but finding buyers their dream property is no small task. You are faced with indecisive, budget restricted, detail-driven home seekers who are looking to you to match them to the perfect home - and you do it with grace. Thank you for putting up with all of us!

Would you like having to conform to House Hunter rules? What would be the biggest pros and cons?

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