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Showing Gratitude to Your Community as a Real Estate Agent

Posted by Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis

Nov 21, 2019 8:30:00 AM

The community you farm and work in has afforded you a bountiful harvest of success. Why not show a little gratitude by planting a few seeds in the soil that you've nurtured to get to where you are. Here are a few ideas real estate agents can use to give back to their community. Remember! You don't have to wait til Thanksgiving to be thankful, this can be done year round.

Showing Grattitude to Your Community as a Real Estate Agent

Here are 5 Ideas Real Estate Agents Can Do to Give Back

1. Support Your Clients with Time

The gift of time is something that can't be transferred or refunded. Continue maintaining relationships with your past and future clients by giving them a little bit of time. Many people within your network will be pursuing charitable efforts during this time of the year, and it would be greatly appreciated if you were to participate. Your actions can say a lot about you as a person. 

2. Have a Team Charity Event

Coordinate an event with you, your team, agents in your office, or anybody with in your network. Do some volunteering - maybe do a 5K. Just get out there and let people know you don't just sell to your community, but you are also a member of it.

3. Help Jump Start an Agent's Career

Do you remember when you first started real estate? Mentoring a budding new agent is a great way to pay it forward to whoever mentored you when you were a rookie. An additional benefit is that by assuming a teacher role, you can strengthen the knowledge base you currently have. You will also be reminded of some important bits of info that you may have forgotten over time.

4. Use Social Media to Highlight a Cause You Care About

It's one thing to "like and share" posts on Facebook - but it's another to highlight a cause you care about and rally other people to care about it too. If there is something that you are passionate about fixing in your community, talk about it on social media! Others that share that passion will help drive your message, and help connect you with like-minded individuals.

5. Give Blood

There will always be a need for this, and who knows, you might even save a life! This can also be highlighted on social media. Just remember, charity should not be done for the "likes". So instead of bragging about how philanthropic you are, encourage others to follow suit and donate blood too. (Or other charity of your choosing)

Need to build a community to give back to? Zurple can help.

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