Here's Candy:

Here is the one thing you can achieve your goals in 2017:
Write a Business Plan
The one thing super successful real estate agents do is write a business plan. Talk to any successful agent and they can answer every single question I asked above. They don't leave their success to dumb luck. Now you can do what the super successful agents do. Write a business plan, but where do you start?
But, Who Needs a Business Plan?
I thought the same way when it came to writing a business plan. Who needs a written business plan? I had my plan in my head. I knew what I wanted and needed to make. That strategy worked for a few years...until it didn't. The issue with not having a written plan is that your life gets in the way. You get busy and next thing you know you don't have any clients in your pipeline and it's like you have to start your business from scratch. Not fun. So I decided to give the written business plan a try.
Set Your Own Goals
If you follow the old way of doing real estate you might be told that you need to talk to thousands of leads to reach your goals. It doesn't matter what your goal, you were told you had to make hundreds of calls each week (at least that is what I was told when I first became an agent). When I heard those numbers I was like, NOT me! I'm going to do things my way, forget the fact that I was new to the business. Writing a business plan can help you stay focused and not get side tracked by other's advice.Have a Business Plan and Have Less Stress
It changed my life. I can't tell you how much having a written business plan decreased the mental stress in my life. You know the feeling, when you don't know where your next transaction is coming from you, get stressed! But, when I wrote my business plan I knew exactly what I would be doing in my business every single month of the year. I knew where my business was coming from and could focus my attention and money on those activities. I now spend less money on my marketing than ever before and experience less stress.
Candy was named by Inman News as one of the Top 25 Real Estate coaches in 2016.
For the original post and more from Candy visit RLRE Training.
For free business plan outlines, visit the U.S. Small Business Administration.