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Zurple General Manager, Jack Markham, and the Zurple Team featured at RealX Workshops Summer 2019

Posted by Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis

Jun 5, 2019 9:57:00 AM

Zurple's General Manager, Jack Markham, will be on tour this summer with Xplode's RealX Workshop series. These workshops are 3-hour master classes featuring real estate industry leaders to help you become a more successful REALTOR®.

A message from Matt Fagioli and Jack Markham:


Matt Fagioli, creator of the Xplode Conference, has invited Zurple's General Manager, Jack Markham, and the Zurple Team to be a featured at the RealX Workshops taking place in June of 2019. These workshops will cover topics such as mainting lifetime client loyalty, utilizing the latest features from social media platforms, scaling your business, open house strategies, video strategies, and more. To learn more about RealX or the Xplode conferences watch the video above or click on this link for more information.

Can't make it to RealX? Here is a webinar recording you can still benefit from:

Watch the Tech or Bust Webinar

Topics: Message from Zurple

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