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Zurple Reveals Average Site Visits of Discovery-Stage Real Estate Lead

Posted by Kristina Brunnler

Jul 18, 2018 7:00:00 AM

In part II of the Discovery-Stage Buyers and Sellers Study, we’ll be uncovering how many site visits a discovery-stage real estate lead average early on in their home search average. Agents and marketers alike are befuddled when an online lead is captured on a site, but then ceases to return. Those leads that are still early in their buying or selling journey are less likely to return to an agent’s website. Continue reading to learn what the average total number of site visits discovery stage buyer and sellers average.

Average site visits of real estate leads

What Are Discovery-Stage Buyers & Sellers?

As a quick recap discovery-stage leads are those buyer and sellers that are not yet ready to commit to a move. They are early in their buying or selling process and have not yet chose an agent. Zurple began this study with an intent to reveal behaviors of those online leads that are captured, but are not ready to convert. 

Average Site Visits of Discovery-Stage Buyer & Sellers

On average Zurple buyer and seller leads visit an agent’s site 2.83 times. These site visits are counted after the lead is captured, or after the lead leaves their name and/or phone number on the agent’s site. This is a healthy indication that even those discovery stage buyers and sellers are still returning to Zurple agent sites. Only one-third of all website visitors return to a website across all industries. So even those not yet serious home buyers return to Zurple agent sites around 2-3 times.

Is your real estate website failing to gain any returning traffic? Or maybe you have no idea what stats your website is averaging. Zurple’s lead intelligence software lets you know how many visits your website is averaging. From Zurple’s Back Office, agents receive a dashboard overview of how their system is functioning. To take a tour of Zurple’s Back Office, schedule a demo with one of our Account Executives in the link below - 

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