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5 Reasons Why Every Real Estate Agent Should Use LinkedIn

Posted by Zurple Marketing

Dec 18, 2019 9:05:40 AM

These days, social media marketing has become standard practice within the real estate industry. Although LinkedIn is one of the three most-used social media platforms in the world, along with Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn serves a vastly different function than the others do and can sometimes be underutilized. It shouldn’t be though, as LinkedIn offers tons of valuable information for real estate professionals and a unique platform for publishing content. To ensure you start incorporating LinkedIn into your marketing strategy, we’ve put together a short list of reasons why every real estate agent should use LinkedIn.

5 Reasons Why Every Real Estate Agent Should Use LinkedIn

5 Reasons Why Every Real Estate Agent Should Use LinkedIn

Form Connections

Twitter and Facebook are social media sites where users interact and share content with friends, family members, and acquaintances. Since LinkedIn revolves more around businesses and their employees, it’s the ideal social network for real estate agents who work in an industry that’s built around connections and referrals.

Build Credibility

With LinkedIn, you’re allotted virtually unlimited space to create your personal narrative and provide details on your skill set and your work history. Having a robust LinkedIn profile also helps you build a track record of hard work and skills gained, as well as credibility for your company and brand.

Share Content

Your LinkedIn profile is the perfect place to share original content that showcases your expertise. You can also use your profile as a platform to post educational pieces and industry news. While other social networking sites encourage you to share your personality, LinkedIn should be solely focused on displaying your qualifications as a real estate agent.

Join Groups

LinkedIn allows its users to join or create groups. In fact, LinkedIn already has a vibrant community of niche real estate groups, ones that will give you news places to look for updates, ideas, and advice. And if you’re bold enough to start your own group, you can improve your professional standing and become an essential resource within the community.

Request Recommendations

In addition to sharing updates, LinkedIn will also help you provide and receive recommendations and endorsements. Whenever you complete a transaction, don’t hold pack from asking your clients or colleagues for a LinkedIn recommendation. Each review will strengthen your authority in the industry.

Make the most of LinkedIn! Find out how Zurple can help.

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Topics: Lead Generation & Engagement

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