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A Free Facebook Posting Calendar for Summer 2019

Posted by Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis

May 23, 2019 8:30:00 AM

Summer is right around the corner and there is a little more daylight to see homes. Or maybe your kids are on vacation, so you want to take a trip to some place nice. The trouble is, real estate agents don't get a vacation too...or DO they? The trouble is, having an empty social media profile can give the impression that you are no longer in real estate. 

What Real Estate Agents Should Know About Social Media Before Summer Vacation

Here Is What Real Estate What Real Estate Agents Should Know About Social Media This Summer:

How to Juggle Personal and Business Content

One reason people choose YOU as their REALTOR® is because they like you as a person. When they connect with you on social media, they do so looking to connect with a human being. Posting only promotional real estate posts can prompt the "Unfollow" button to be clicked. It is a good idea to post a mixture of business and non-business content.

Content That Will Engage Your Audience

You should know your audience, and what they will respond to. Don't know anything about your audience? Just ask them! That's it. A simple post asking a question will give you a wealth of knowledge in the responses. This will help you craft future real estate related content. Maybe they enjoy interior design, but don't respond much to market trend reports? Asking them will be the best way to know for sure.

The Importance of Consistency

Even if you have the real estate best content in the world, not being consistent with your posting habits can throttle your success. A regular posting schedule is favored upon by the mysterious Facebook algorithm, but also trains your audience to expect another post to engage with.

Leveraging Automation

We at Zurple will always push leveraging automation to save you time in your real estate business. There are plenty of companies that offer Facebook posting or scheduling. If you had a content calendar (like this one for example) containing 3 months of real estate related Facebook content, then you can schedule all your posts ahead time! This means less work for you, more time for vacation or other important aspects of your business!

Let us help carry your social media through the summer months and use the 2019 Summer Facebook Posting Calendar to either take a well-deserved break or focus on other aspects of your business.

Here are 3 months of Facebook posts that you can use for FREE:

Download My Facebook Posting Calendar

Topics: Social Media Marketing

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