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How to Create a Newsletter Your Real Estate Clients Will Read

Posted by Zurple Marketing

Feb 19, 2020 8:30:00 AM

These days, our inboxes are cluttered with click-bait, spam, and countless forceful marketing attempts. Naturally, this makes connecting with your real estate clients via content marketing more challenging than ever. With their skepticism running high, you need to give them a good reason to read what you deliver to their inbox. Creating relevant, engaging newsletter content is key to maintaining interest over the long-haul. Here’s how:

How to Create a Newsletter Your Real Estate Clients Will Read

How to Create a Newsletter Your Real Estate Clients Will Read

Write Clear, Yet Clever Subject Lines

Although you may be tempted to create cliché subject lines that pique interest, it’s better to be clear-cut in what your newsletter will discuss. Not only should they be compelling, creative, and informative, keep in mind that short and sweet is often the best way to go. Aim for roughly 50 characters and put the most pertinent information closer to the beginning of your subject line.

Use Visually Impactful Templates

In order to build a newsletter that yields a high open rate and is well-regarded by your real estate clients, overused stock images, off-brand colors, and formatting that doesn’t work across devices are all elements that you need to address. Your newsletter needs to be representative of your brand in everything from color scheme to subject matter.

Include Contact and Social Media Information

While your newsletters come directly from your email address, it’s important to give your real estate clients a multitude of ways to get in touch with you both online and offline.  Always include links to your social media profiles in your newsletter for networking and communication purposes and be sure to make it as easy as possible to find you. Jamming a ton of text into your email signature is both cumbersome and visually off-putting.

Ensure the Content is High-Quality

As a real estate professional, the entire purpose of sending out newsletters is to deliver unique, useful content that helps you stay top-of-mind. A good rule of thumb is balancing your newsletter content to be roughly 90 percent educational and entertaining and 10 percent promotional. While they may want to hear from you, there’s only so much self-praise they can take before tuning you out entirely. Successful newsletters are meant to aid, not sell, and guide your reader through interesting topics.

Looking to improve your newsletter strategy? Find out how Zurple can help.

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Topics: Lead Generation & Engagement

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