Developing real estate leads is pivotal in order to succeed in real estate. Without leads, you won't have clients, and without clients… well, you know what that means. Successfully farming in an area that is new to you can bring some challenges. Not only are you new to the area, but you are in an area where nobody knows who you are.
Here are 5 ideas to help you get started in your new real estate farming area:
The key to a successful real estate business has to do with picking the right location. Throughout the course of your career, or until you move again, you are going to be marketing to this specific area and often times spending your own money to do so. Are you really going to want to spend all of your time and money marketing to an area that you hate? How can you sell someone on a home if you yourself would never choose to live in the area? Additionally make sure that you are choosing an area that has a turnover rate, or you won't have any business.
Once you pick a farming area you need to determine who your target market is going to be. Are you farming in an area with a lot of millennials? Do your research so that you can create a marketing plan that will be geared toward your target market. Every target market is going to require a slightly different approach so it is vital that you determine your target market right away.
Having a website specific to your new real estate farming area is a great way to show the community that you are willing to go above and beyond to provide them excellent service. While the website can be relatively simple, it should include MLS listings that provides your visitors with up-to-date information about the area.
Pro Tip: Zurple has IDX home search websites for each target area that you service. With Zurple, you can purchase search engine marketing services to ensure that you have a steady flow of new leads each month. Suzanne Trammell found success farming in a new area thanks to Zurple. You can too!
Utilize social media
Join your new real estate farming area’s social media pages. Social media is an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to helping you become recognized in a new area. Posting on the community pages can help to show your neighbors that you are committed to being involved in the community if you are able to about a variety of topics relating to the community rather than just promotional posts.
Door knock
While this tactic may seem “old school,” it can often be very effective. Remember, you are looking in a new area which means you likely don’t have any connections. By going door to door, not only do potential clients get to put a face to the name, but door knocking allows you to sell yourself in person and give people a sense of who you are. People are more likely to remember a personal encounter than a simple phone call or a flyer posted on their door, so get out there and meet your potential clients!
Starting your real estate business in an unfamiliar area can be difficult, but your hard work will pay off. Utilizing these tips can help you go from unknown in a new geo farming area to the most sought after agent in the area. I know that you can succeed, but do you believe that you can succeed?