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Social Media Marketing: It doesn't matter whether you like it or not!

Posted by Victoria Deubler

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Dec 22, 2015 8:30:00 AM

In today's Agent Insights post, Ross Schueller - an experienced Keller Williams Rivertown Realtor in Grand Rapids, MI - sheds light on why agents need to embrace social media for real estate in their marketing efforts by explaining how he uses it for his current buyers, sellers and future clients.

Here's Ross:

Love It or Hate Itross-schueller.jpg

One of the "hot button" issues for agents right now is related to real estate social media marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more. It would seem that most agents fall into the "Love" or "Hate" category on this topic. I guess I fall into the "Love" category simply because it's within my comfort zone. I'm too old to be counted among the Millennials - the generation typically associated with internet communication - but I've always been a bit of a tech nerd, so I gravitated towards these forms of communication pretty early.

Whether I love it or hate it is a little irrelevant though. In fact, whether you love ir or hate it doesn't matter much either. Whether you're comfortable with it or not, it can't hurt to learn more. It doesn't matter whether this is how I want to communicate with my clients if it's the method my clients want to use.


Does it Matter?

What does matter is that over the next 2 decades, the primary client base in Real Estate is going to come from a generation that grew up with this technology. They're not uncomfortable with it. In fact, they welcome the open information it gives them. They're expecting to learn a little about the people they want to do business with...and they will absolutely use what they learn to determine WHO they will do business with.


How are my clients impacted?

What does this matter to my clients? Well, a lot actually.

For my buyers:
For my clients who are buyers, it means that I can utilize communication strategies that will allow a much more open and efficient flow of information between all parties involved. Pinterest to show you ideas, a website to guide you through listings, and Facebook groups that allow you to brainstorm your needs in real time.
For my sellers:
For my clients who are selling, it means that I am able to reach out to more people in a much more personal way. Of course, a home will be listed on the MLS, and of course it will be marketing in a variety of ways - but I'll also be using Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram to put your listing in front of people in a way that tells a story. Your house won't be just one more listing among many. Your house will be a home with a story, and the people who see it will appreciate that.
For my future clients:
For my future clients, it means they get to learn about me, my business, my philosophy, my sense of humor, reading preferences and more. They can learn about Real Estate by visiting my Facebook business page. They can learn a lot about Cycling by checking out my video blog. They can learn a lot about who I am, as a person, by checking out my personal Facebook profile. They can learn about who I am as a professional from my LinkedIn. In short, my future clients can make a better, more informed decision about who they do business with.


Agents who fear this openness may struggle as Millennials begin and continue to drive the market. Agents who embrace it, and who share their passion for this business will spend less time looking for clients and more time helping clients who've found them through social media.


For more advice from Ross Schueller, visit his ActiveRain blog and his Facebook business page.

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