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5 Mistakes Real Estate Agents Make in the Summer to LOSE Business

Posted by Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis

Jul 18, 2019 8:30:00 AM

Summer. Every real estate agent’s favorite season. School is out. Most people are on vacation. There is more sunlight. Real estate leads have more availability to schedule a showing or an appointment for a home appraisal.

5 Mistakes Real Estate Agents Make in the Summer to LOSE Business-1

However, there are a few mistakes that real estates make that have negative effects on their business...

Avoid 5 These Mistakes This Summer:

1. Getting Lazy

Did we learn nothing from the tortoise and the hare? Or the ant and the grasshopper? Just because things are good does not mean you should slow down. What you do today affects what happens tomorrow! Having more real estate leads than you can handle doesn’t mean you should let some slide through the cracks. Some might not be ready to transact until the Winter, so you should still communicate with them.

2. Not Preparing for the Winter

The winter is notorious for being cold and harsh. Your real estate business needs to be prepared for this. Maybe you are going on vacation in the winter? You absolutely need to make sure people don’t mistake you for not being in business. Prepare some social media posts, emails, or ramp up your marketing NOW so you have a network of contacts that you can cultivate for leads in the autumn.

3. Not Following Up with Past Leads

That lead you generated in December that was not ready yet might be ready now. We hope you maintained regular communication with that person. A quick text saying “hope you are having a good summer, how are you?” can open them up to conversation and lead to a new real estate client!

4. Ignoring Social Media

In general, you shouldn’t ignore social media. Your life may become a little hectic, and we understand. You can use this social media calendar to keep your Facebook business page filled with relevant content.

5. Lowering Your Marketing Budget

The truth is now is always the best time to buy or sell real estate. Know what your local market is like, and cater your ads to that. If you know buyers are looking for homes in your local area, then use that knowledge to continue to spend at a consistent amount to keep your pipeline full. Online leads will take time to convert, so capturing them now means you have better chances for later - especially when your lead flow is low.

Moral of the story is that consistency is the key to success. Don't slack off because you are ahead. STAY AHEAD.

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