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4 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Destress (And Still Generate Business)

Posted by Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis

Jan 23, 2020 8:30:00 AM

You know what nobody ever said? BEING A REAL ESTATE AGENT IS RELAXING. It's a common misconception that real estate is an easy job and you are rolling in the money. Today we offer some remedies to this harsh reality, and try to generate you business at the same time.

4 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Destress

Here are 5 Ways Agents Can Destress (And Not Lose Money!)

1. Exercise Daily

Regular physical activity is not a requirement to competently do your job. However, it is a requirement if you would like to live longer. Exercise releases endorphins, and can give you more energy throughout the day. To get a return on this physical investment, you can join a workout group. Make friends with runners. Or even have a weekly walk around the neighborhood you farm. This is a great solution for agents who like face-to-face interactions over maintaining an internet presence.

2. Take a Vacation

What?! It actually is possible to take a vacation as a real estate agent. Especially if you leverage automation to nurture your real estate leads. (The Zurple software does this!) Planning a vacation can help motivate you to stay on top of things before you leave. And returning from vacation give help you feel refreshed. During the vacation you can rely on an automated CRM that can intelligently generate and respond to real estate leads for you.

3. Learn Time Management Skills

Good time management skills can be the difference between working with 5 different clients in a single day vs 5 different clients in a single week. There are many efficient methods of time management skills that real estate agents can benefit from. For example, if two clients live near each other you can plan your day around that specific area. Or you can check your email once every two hours, instead of being sidetracked everytime you get a new email.

4. Take Up a Hobby

Having a hobby can help you tap into a community, and give you a more personal connection to people before you meet them in real life. If there is a big community of anglers in your area, maybe take up fishing? You can join a local Facebook group and build relationships with people even before they even think about buying or selling a home. If your hobby surround a particular industry, it makes prospecting for real estate leads on LinkedIn much easier.

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