This seller’s market sure is tough. If your current marketing efforts are not paying off, consider going to extra mile with more time intensive projects. Marketing flyers, although an older tactic, still indeed work. Specifically hand delivering a flyer at a doorstep will prove you are indeed a local member of their community, not just an internet persona. This might be the extra push sellers need to reach out.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when targeting seller leads through marketing flyers.
Distribute Flyers in Neighborhoods You Influence
Distribute your flyers where you live or work, where most of your past clients live, orareas where you have a high degree of face recognition. This could be the area you went to high school or where your local gym or church. A lead is more likely to review your flyer if your face looks somewhat familiar.
Distribute in Up & Coming Neighborhoods
It’s no secret that when surrounding home prices go up, homeowners are more incentivised to sell. Complete more market reports to stay up to date on which markets to target for seller leads. -
Guarantee a Sold Time
If you're confident you can get their home sold within a certain time frame, tout that statistic on your flyer. Many leads need their home sold as soon as possible. But don’t be too specific. -
Include Listings in the Surrounding Neighborhood
On your flyer, include some of your listings within the surrounding neighborhood, butdon’t include the home price. This will prove to sellers this isn’t your first time around the block.
Include a Call to Action
Include a call to action for leads to be notified of the price of your listing when it sells. A line such as “Hey neighbor! Want to be notified of the price when this property sells? “Text 12345Sold to xxx-xxx-xxxx.” This will entice potential seller leads to provide their phone number.
Zurple targets sellers leads with the same tactic. On the agent’s home search site, Zurple asks leads if they’d like to be notified of changing home prices within their search area. To find out more on how Zurple attracts and converts seller leads: -
Guarantee the Best Offer
Provide examples of your previous sales that were above market price. Better yet, provide examples of homes in the surrounding area you sold above market price. This will make sellers inclined to choose you over other agents. -
Have Consistent Branding
Try to match your marketing flyer's color, font, and design layout to your business card or website. If you have a slogan or logo, be sure to include that on your flyer as well.