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Kenneth Palmer

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Use This Real Estate Lead Tool To Close More Deals

Posted by Kenneth Palmer

May 16, 2017 6:03:00 AM

Business is all about starting and maintaining relationships with your real estate leads. One great way to build and maintain trust is to show an active interest in your leads’ preferences. The process of finding your leads ideal neighborhood preferences can be a daunting and time-consuming endeavor. You can save time and increase the likelihood of closing your leads with our latest tool available to agents for free.

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Topics: Practical Advice

4 Challenges Faced By Real Estate Team Leaders

Posted by Kenneth Palmer

May 9, 2017 6:05:00 AM

Running your own real estate business can take up a lot of your time. The ideal of course is not spending your every waking moment monitoring your team’s performance or constantly analyzing your marketing efficacy. We’ll explore 4 major challenges real estate team leaders face and how to overcome them.

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Topics: Practical Advice

Why Real Estate Agents NEED To Track Their Marketing Stats

Posted by Kenneth Palmer

May 4, 2017 9:30:00 AM

As real estate agents, you should be aware of big data and how it can impact your business. With so much information surrounding your leads, tracking patterns and identifying areas for improvement becomes critical to future success. There are however surprisingly numbers of real estate agents that do not track their data to the extent that they should and as a result, their revenue is potentially impacted. We’ll identify some common data sets that agents should pay closer attention to.
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Topics: Practical Advice

These Common Lead Behaviors Have Hurt Your Commission

Posted by Kenneth Palmer

May 2, 2017 8:30:00 AM

In the internet age, keeping a lead’s attention can sometimes prove difficult. Real estate agents understand that this is a very big decision in a person’s life and that the need to look around is very tempting. However, when a lead engages in their own online activities, that’s where things can become complicated for real estate agents. We’ll explore some common online behaviors that can impact your commission check and how you can stay in front of your leads and drive the whole process.

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Topics: Practical Advice

Are Your Marketing Efforts Enough To Attract Seller Leads?

Posted by Kenneth Palmer

Apr 27, 2017 8:23:00 AM

According to an article published by Inman, 2017 will be a seller’s market. A slowing inventory was noted as having an impact in addition to rising home prices. With home prices being up, lucrative offers are starting to seem more and more appealing to baby-boomers who are finding themselves as empty-nesters. With an up-tick in sellers, we’ll uncover how to produce materials to capture and convert them online and on social media.

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Topics: Practical Advice

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