The concept of requiring buyers to sign an exclusivity contract is a hotly debated one - and for good reason. There are lots of pros and cons - both for the agent and for the buyer.
The concept of requiring buyers to sign an exclusivity contract is a hotly debated one - and for good reason. There are lots of pros and cons - both for the agent and for the buyer.
Topics: Lead Generation & Engagement
Posted by Jessica Schweppe
Jun 22, 2015 1:55:00 PM
If you write a killer real estate blog post but neglect to spend a few extra minutes making sure it's fully optimized for better search engine ranking, you are missing a massive opportunity to build your organic traffic.
Search Engine Optimization, commonly known as SEO, can play a critical role in helping you generate more traffic over time by opening up dozens or even hundreds of entry points on your website. If done properly, people will begin to discover your brand by visiting a blog post or web page. The big ROI payoff actually doesn't come from the increase in traffic alone. It comes from the fact that your lead's first impression of you is that you are providing helpful, relevant, well thought out content on real estate in your city - which establishes a level of trust that ultimately increases your conversion rate.
So what considerations do you need to keep in mind in order to effectively keyword optimize your real estate blog posts and website content to generate more highly qualified leads? Follow these guidelines.
Topics: Building Your Brand, Lead Generation & Engagement
Posted by Jessica Schweppe
Jun 8, 2015 8:00:00 AM
Have you ever considered working as a real estate team, or are you already part of one? If so, there are a lot of benefits to working as a dynamic duo, and if not, you may want to think about it. Stats from around the industry show that team agents tend to get more leads than solo agents... but why?
Topics: Lead Generation & Engagement
Posted by Jessica Schweppe
May 21, 2015 11:31:00 AM
Most real estate professionals agree that not having enough time in the day is a big challenge, especially when it comes to attracting new business. Luckily, technology has made that process easier by providing affordable or free tools that allow you to connect with leads on a one-to-many level. Using mini (meaning brief) real estate webinars, you can attract and convert a much higher number of potential leads in a 10-15 minute block than you’d ever be able to if you were setting up individual meetings for each lead.
Topics: Lead Generation & Engagement
Editor's Note: This article was originally published on Inman News on April 15th, 2015.
Have you noticed the abundance of self-checkout lanes popping up in local stores? Do you use a bank app for mobile deposits? Is Yelp your first stop when you want to try a new restaurant for dinner? Chances are your answer to one or all of these questions is yes — and you’re not alone — but what do all of these things have to do with real estate?
Today, instead of having to turn to salespeople for information about products and services, consumers are instead turning to Google and peer-review sites. Because of this shift, consumers have developed a different mindset when it comes to considering a purchase. A mindset that makes the idea of having to speak to a human being to accomplish their purchase goal seems like a chore.
This new process, defined by Hubspot as “The Buyer’s Journey,” is affecting traditional marketing in a big way. Interruption tactics (a term coined by entrepreneur and marketer Seth Godin) have become less and less effective, a factor that is likely impacting your real estate business right now.
Topics: Building Your Brand, Lead Generation & Engagement
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