Curiosity is at an all-time high when seller leads try to size up their home against other sellers. As a real estate agent, you’ve likely heard this questions time and time again – Why do some homes sell faster than others?”
Posted by Kristina Brunnler
Feb 26, 2018 7:00:00 AM
Curiosity is at an all-time high when seller leads try to size up their home against other sellers. As a real estate agent, you’ve likely heard this questions time and time again – Why do some homes sell faster than others?”
Topics: Lead Generation & Engagement, Buyer & Seller Insights
Posted by Kristina Brunnler
Feb 24, 2018 7:00:00 AM
They say the best place to bury a dead body is the second page of Google. If you’re not appearing on the first page of local home searches, your real estate business might as well be dead and buried. Lucky for real estate professionals, local SEO is a lot easier. You are competing against a smaller audience than larger businesses and your audience is easier to define.
Topics: Building Your Brand, Lead Generation & Engagement
Posted by Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis
Feb 15, 2018 7:19:00 AM
"The Five Love Languages" is a book written by Dr. Gary Chapman. In the book he details how different people will communicate with their partners. While its primary use is for romantic relationships, this can be translated to intrapersonal relationships like with your children, with your colleagues, and with your real estate leads.
Topics: Lead Generation & Engagement
More and more reports are showing that Americans prefer text messages to phone calls. In fact, The Chicago Tribune reported Americans spend a reported 26 minutes a day texting, compared to 6 minutes on phone calls. With mobile devices, the lines between professional and personal worlds get a bit blurred. And of course as a real estate agent, you may be wondering how your texts should look, sound, and when to send them. In this blog we’ll get down to the do’s and don’ts of texting as a real estate professional –
Topics: Lead Generation & Engagement
Posted by Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis
Feb 8, 2018 7:00:00 AM
Here's a question: Should you drive your real estate clients? Why or why not? This is such a divisive topic amongs real estate agents, that we figure we would shed some input on it.
Topics: Practical Advice, Lead Generation & Engagement
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