Are you making the most of your MLS listing photos?
I've recently been looking at homes for sale and am sad to report that many of the MLS listings are severely lacking when it comes to quality photos. Most of the listings aren't as bad as some of the photo fails we shared a while back - but agents often neglect to focus on the most important areas of their listing, provide only one photo or provide dark, out of focus or warped images.
But the question is, if you are to provide the best possible photos to intrigue buyers without giving away the farm, which photos should you consistently include on the MLS?
Trulia did a survey to find out what the most important listing photos are. Surprisingly, men and women both agreed that the following five photos are the most critical when it comes to deciding whether or not a property is worth taking a look at.
Here are the Top 5 MLS Listing Photos You Must Include: