In today’s Agent Insights post, Kendra Bates - a Realtor in San Diego, California - chats with Zurple and answers questions about what it’s like to work in the Real Estate Industry on a day to day basis.
Posted by Victoria Deubler
Feb 16, 2016 8:30:00 AM
In today’s Agent Insights post, Kendra Bates - a Realtor in San Diego, California - chats with Zurple and answers questions about what it’s like to work in the Real Estate Industry on a day to day basis.
Topics: Agent Insights
One of the best ways to show your real estate client how much you appreciate them and their business is by thanking them with a closing gift. However, sometimes overlooking certain details of a relationship or a client’s likes and dislikes, can negatively impact the effectiveness of the gift. For instance, if a client doesn’t drink - and you gift a bottle of wine. We’ve put together some “don’ts” of closing gifts to help you choose the best gifts for your clients.
Topics: Practical Advice
Posted by Victoria Deubler
Feb 12, 2016 8:30:00 AM
Have you ever worked with a real estate client that pushed you to your limits? Sometimes it’s better to let a client go if it’s just not working out. ”Firing” a client with grace isn’t easy and there are several things to think about before doing so. This Valentine’s day we’ve compiled some of the best advice out there on how to cut ties with a problematic client - straight from the experts!
Topics: Practical Advice
You may have been inspired to get into the luxury real estate niche on your own, or you may have been inspired after watching Bravo TV’s hit series Million Dollar Listing. Either way, you want to dive in. Now - how do you get started?
Well, what is luxury?
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “luxury” is defined as:
noun lux·u·ry \ˈlək-sh(ə-)rē, -zh(ə-)rē\
:a condition or situation of great comfort, ease, and wealth
:something that is expensive and not necessary
:something that is helpful or welcome and that is not usually or always available
In the real estate industry, the luxury niche requires more than a great track record and market presence to become successful. By infusing luxury into every aspect of your real estate business, whether it’s in your marketing strategy, showings, or client experience, you can become a talented and reputable agent in no time.
Topics: Practical Advice, Building Your Brand
Posted by Victoria Deubler
Feb 10, 2016 8:30:00 AM
“Bad Mistakes That Make Good Employees Leave” is an article written by Dr. Travis Bradberry, Coauthor of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 & President at TalentSmart, that was recently published on LinkedIn. In today’s blog post, we’ve summarized his main points and explained how they pertain to Real Estate Brokers and their teams.
Dr. Travis Bradberry’s goal in this article is to help employers and managers improve turnover by understanding what makes good employees leave. While these concepts can be applied to most professional organizations, we’ve compared them to how they impact real estate businesses to provide insight on how to make sure your best real estate agents stay with you forever.
Topics: Practical Advice, Building Your Brand
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