Posted by Kristina Brunnler
Mar 13, 2017 9:00:00 AM
Topics: Building Your Brand
Posted by Kristina Brunnler
Mar 2, 2017 5:37:00 PM
With the start of a new year, you are probably thinking of new Real Estate branding ideas. Maybe you've got your personal branding down, but don't know what to do with the rest of your team members. We've compiled these 5 free tools to help brand your brokerage.
Topics: Building Your Brand
Without marketing where would your real estate business be? Who would know about your brand? In order to be successful in the real estate industry, or any other industry for that matter, it is vital to have a marketing plan for your business. How do you plan to grow your business if no one knows who you are?
Topics: Building Your Brand
Did you know that 60% of millennials expect a consistent experience when engaging with brands online, in-person, or by phone? Branding, and consistent branding, is one of the most important aspects for marketing your business, no matter its size. Branding might seem like a boring marketing term and isn’t worth the effort, but when you put in the effort to brand your business correctly, you can get the edge over competing agents that you’ve been waiting for.
Topics: Building Your Brand
As a realtor, you need to master digital communication, including being active on social media, crafting some interesting blogs, and responding quickly to any emails. While all of these are important, success in real estate is often dictated by your ability to interact positively with people face-to-face. And it’s the first impression that often counts the most. Here are three tips for realtors that want to make the right impression that can turn new contacts into clients.
Topics: Practical Advice, Building Your Brand
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