You may have been inspired to get into the luxury real estate niche on your own, or you may have been inspired after watching Bravo TV’s hit series Million Dollar Listing. Either way, you want to dive in. Now - how do you get started?
Well, what is luxury?
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “luxury” is defined as:
noun lux·u·ry \ˈlək-sh(ə-)rē, -zh(ə-)rē\
:a condition or situation of great comfort, ease, and wealth
:something that is expensive and not necessary
:something that is helpful or welcome and that is not usually or always available
In the real estate industry, the luxury niche requires more than a great track record and market presence to become successful. By infusing luxury into every aspect of your real estate business, whether it’s in your marketing strategy, showings, or client experience, you can become a talented and reputable agent in no time.
Use these tactics to make it to the top of your luxury market: