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Zurple Reveals Average Site Visits of Discovery-Stage Real Estate Lead

Posted by Kristina Brunnler

Jul 18, 2018 7:00:00 AM

In part II of the Discovery-Stage Buyers and Sellers Study, we’ll be uncovering how many site visits a discovery-stage real estate lead average early on in their home search average. Agents and marketers alike are befuddled when an online lead is captured on a site, but then ceases to return. Those leads that are still early in their buying or selling journey are less likely to return to an agent’s website. Continue reading to learn what the average total number of site visits discovery stage buyer and sellers average.

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Topics: Lead Intelligence

Zurple Reveals Behavior of Discovery-Stage Online Real Estate Leads

Posted by Kristina Brunnler

Jul 9, 2018 9:00:00 AM

As part of the 2018 Lead Intelligence Series, the Discovery-Stage Buyers & Sellers Study was compiled by Zurple’s Product team and contains an in-depth examination of those online real estate leads that are in the early stages of buying or selling their home. In part one of this five-part series we’ll be sharing how we collected data on discovery-stage, online, real estate leads and what attributes classify a buyer or seller as within the “discovery-stage.”

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Topics: Lead Intelligence

Zurple Reveals How Many Leads Leave A Phone Number on a Lead Capture Form

Posted by Kristina Brunnler

Jun 5, 2018 8:24:00 AM

Lead gates are essential to capturing new customers and prospects online. The information your lead capture form asks for directly impacts your lead conversion rate. Lead capture forms place value behind your website's content and marketing campaigns. Without a lead capture form, buyers and sellers can otherwise access your content for free. Digital marketers agree across all industries that the length of a lead form directly impact conversion rates.

The more information agents ask from real estate leads, the less likely leads will be to provide that information. Likewise, the more value leads place behind the gated content, the more likely they’ll be to leave their information. So, what if that required information is optional? Will real estate leads share personal information if they don't have too? Most importantly, will they share their phone number if it's not required?

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Topics: Lead Generation & Engagement, Lead Intelligence

4 Reasons Real Estate Lead Emails Receive Replies

Posted by Kristina Brunnler

May 9, 2018 7:00:00 AM

In today's online world, consumers have grown accustomed to generic drip email campaigns. In fact, 86% of the world's email traffic is considered junk mail, according to Bloomberg Technology. With so much spam circulating the web, chances are real estate leads will accumulate a significant sum of spam when conducting their online home search. Real Estate agents will need intelligent, personalized emails to stand out in lead's inboxes. Zurple, the real estate industry's leading email automation platform, researched emails sent to buyer and seller leads in 2017.1 Of those emails, those with high response rates shared four similarities. Below we’ve uncovered what those four similarities are. 

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Topics: Lead Generation & Engagement, Lead Intelligence

Zurple Research Reveals Average Real Estate Lead Response Time

Posted by Kristina Brunnler

Apr 19, 2018 7:23:00 AM

With so much information available online, buyers and sellers spend more time researching homes on their own. Leads can conduct the initial stages of their home buying or selling journey without having to communicate with an agent. However, certain email and text messages will encourage leads to reach out to agents. Zurple research has revealed the average time it takes for leads to respond after registering on a real estate agent's website. Additional research revealed five types of messages that speed up reply time. Statistics and message types listed below are taken from Zurple client back offices.1

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Topics: Lead Generation & Engagement, Lead Intelligence

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